10 ways to advance your data visualization career *right now*
Feb 26, 2022
Get inspired
- Subscribe (or just scroll) The Pudding’s dataviz essays. They’re the leading of edge of how to tell stories about social issues & culture using incredible dataviz.
- https://flowingdata.com/ learning resources & great breakdowns
- Create a Pinterest board of things that inspire you (here’s mine). When you’re feeling stuff, copy your favorite stuff from it!
- hehe subscribe to my YouTube channel: expect examples of blending storytelling, visual explanation, & music! 😛
Get connected
- https://twitter.com/aboutaaron
- https://twitter.com/sxywu
- https://twitter.com/NadiehBremer
- https://twitter.com/mich_mcghee (an up-and-coming journalist-engineer at The Pudding!)
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidnmora/ (I’m happy to connect on LinkedIn & help in any way I can!)
- https://www.datavisualizationsociety.org/ (aimed at professionals, but welcoming to all!). Also checkout their publication: https://nightingaledvs.com/